Work in Progress

Domestic Violence Spillovers on Children's Socio-Emotional Development

The Impact of Alternative Dispute Resolution on Violence Against Women in Brazil: Evidence from Law 9.099/95

Publications and Contributions

The changing nature of work and inequality in Brazil (2003-19), WIDER Working Paper 2021/162, with Sergio Firpo, Alysson Portella and Flávio Riva 

Tasks, Skills, and Institutions: The Changing Nature of Work and Inequality, 2023, Oxford University Press, WIDER Studies in Development Economics. with Sergio Firpo, Alysson Portella and Flávio Riva

YSI Pre-Meeting GeFam Mentoring Session. 2024. 

Dívidas Consomem Mais da Renda das Mulheres na Tentativa de Estender o Orçamento Mensal, 2024, Folha de São Paulo.

Dormindo com o Inimigo. 2024, Folha de São Paulo.

Nobel para Claudia Goldin Deve Impactar Agenda ESG no Mundo Corporativo, Dizem Especialistas, 2023, Integridade ESG.

ICJBrasil - 1ºsemestre/2017

Boletim Economico TRACKER-FECAP: O Crime no Campo, 2017