Work in Progress

Domestic Violence Spillovers on Children's Socio-Emotional Development

Gender-Blind Policies: How Does Legal Alternative Resolution Affect Domestic Violence?

Publications and Contributions

The changing nature of work and inequality in Brazil (2003-19), WIDER Working Paper 2021/162, with Sergio Firpo, Alysson Portella and Flávio Riva 

Tasks, Skills, and Institutions: The Changing Nature of Work and Inequality, 2023, Oxford University Press, WIDER Studies in Development Economics. with Sergio Firpo, Alysson Portella and Flávio Riva

Dívidas Consomem Mais da Renda das Mulheres na Tentativa de Estender o Orçamento Mensal, 2024, Folha de São Paulo.

Nobel para Claudia Goldin Deve Impactar Agenda ESG no Mundo Corporativo, Dizem Especialistas, 2023, Integridade ESG.

ICJBrasil - 1ºsemestre/2017

Boletim Economico TRACKER-FECAP: O Crime no Campo, 2017